Memoirs of a Chocolate Banana Fanatic

A memoir of a Typical boy in a Typical quarter-life crisis living in a Typical world.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

May God be with You

With reference to Graham Greene's A Visit to Morin.

"It needs a child to say to these theologians, Why? Why not? Why not an infinite series of causes? Why should the existence of a good and a better imply the existence of a best? This playing with words. We invent the words and make arguments from them. The better is not a fact; it is only a word and a human judgement."

FOR MY POINT OF VIEW, what is God to you all? What is religion to you all?? To acknowledge that there is always someone up there far more magnificent and powerful than anyone, so we can submit ourselves to HIM in order to live a better, fulfilling life? Or, to use it against anyone who do not believe in order to make yourself righteous? Take for example Christians and Muslims, a never-ending war between two titans whose Bible and Koran actually contains approximately the same messages. Put it this way, maybe someone in the past decides to sow discord in a particular religion, therefore he breaks a religion into different languages, different names for God, which started the war ever since the beginning of time. We will never know the past as it is only recorded by imperfect human begins. Yet we know that we have been using words against each other for centuries that reduces civilizations to a jungle filled with animals fighting against each other over a pointless cause. We talk about animal cruelty, yet we do not have any compassion to humans of different races and religions. Does that make us worse than animals?

"A man can accept anything to do with God until scholars begin to go into the details and the implications."

We refuse to believe anything that is bad, because we have the choice. However, sometimes we fail to differentiate from the good and the bad. At the first place, what is good, and what is bad? The good and the bad is only defined by words and human judgemen according to our upbringing and belief. Thus free will is beautiful yet ugly. What does it take for us to earn a way to Heaven? I say we should stop thinking of such nonsense! We are living in a place that was once called Heaven, which becomes a living Hell, thanks to we pathetic humans.


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