Memoirs of a Chocolate Banana Fanatic

A memoir of a Typical boy in a Typical quarter-life crisis living in a Typical world.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

A Music to Remember

Cristofori's Dream by David Lanz

A music so soft and relaxing that I have been listening to it over and over again. Who is Cristofori? Is he refering to Bartolomeo Cristofori di Francesco, the piano inventor? What is his dream? Why does it sound so beautiful yet depressing?

What are our dreams? Could our dreams be interpreted into a music that's as soft, as beautiful as Cristofori's? Or is it so depressing that sometimes we have to wake up crying? Or is it too beautiful that sometimes we wake up, we wept because the dreams we had, are never going to happen in our real lives?

Will our dreams come true eventually? If we work so hard in life, are we able to turn our dreams into reality?


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