A post delicated to all the jerks living in this tiny little country. That includes me I suppose? Well, it takes me some time to consider what should or should I not write in this post. Sensitive issue ya? So what makes us, man, jerks in the eyes of the women in Singapore?
We always take things for granted!
We guys never learn to cherish the very things beside us till we begin to lose them. There's this saying, "We are also what we have lost." Chimology. I don't really understand it totally. Why are we so
BLINDED by the temptations in this world? I shall concentrate on the relationship issue, since there are only 3 things human surely worry about.
HEALTH, WEALTH and RELATIONSHIP. Singaporeans should be contented with the first 2 I suppose.
Don't you think sometimes, there are a particular bunch of guys that
SPOIL MARKET? Guys who don't cherish their girlfriends, take advantage of them, being irresponsible and ultimately break their hearts. Some girls who experience guys like these lost their self-esteem and confidence in relationships, which make them unable to begin a new relationship even though suppose a
NICE guy appear in front of them. (I am not referring to myself)
Yes, we men are jerks! We are heart-breakers!
Check this out guys! Even the
BIBLE describes we guys are
SERIOUS JERKS! Let's go to the book of Genesis, when Eve was tempted by the Serpent to eat the fruit on the tree of life. Actually, we can't blame her totally, we can't even blame her at all! Check this out! Genesis 3:6
"So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food... she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her
HUSBAND WITH HER, and he ate."
Adam is with her all the time!! He
KNEW the fruit is forbidden, however he doesn't take up the responsibility to stop Eve and kill the serpent, instead he
ATE the freaking fruit with her!!!!! And as the story goes on, there goes the fall of
MAN and God kicked them out of the Garden of Eden and blah blah blah.
GUYS! We are jerks! Admit it!
HOWEVER! There are always a bunch of men who are always trying hard to be
BETTER MEN. So girls, don't give up hope on us ok?